It is available in 180 counties and gets 16 million users a month. Deezer is a music streaming app created in France. Pandora Radio is a free (ad-supported) internet radio founded in 2000. Map shows when two people play same song at same time What are some alternatives? When comparing Last.fm and Libre.fm, you can also consider the following products Create a new playlist and choose last.fm as the source and choose 100 Recently Scrobbled, then Create new playlist on Apple Music to put these songs. You'll need to setup connectors with Apple Music and your second last.fm account, that it setup in libre.fm. Next we go to SongShift Pro and setup our shift. Syncing external listens(radio, streaming etc) to your Apple Music library using Songshift Pro, Libre.fm and last.fm.I found some open source self-hostable alternatives like listenbrainz or libre.fm but I don't know how do they perform compared to the proprietary last.fm. I just found out about it yesterday, but doesn't that have some privacy issues, as you are literally giving permission to a third party service to track the songs you are listening to. There’s a nice open source stats website called Libre.fm that’s worth checking out as well. Is there an app that can show you various stats like listening time and such? Do you think someday this site will be gone? Libre.fm used to be another alternative, not sure if it's working.

Hi, is it possible to scrobble to libre.fm? I mean, I've found the settings to be configured but I can't figure out the server to use. I just love going my own way and for music I've used last.fm to have a bread crumb register of most of it so I have a chance to find a vague memory back. Could that be why it has the loading symbol. It looks right to me but maybe I'm missing something? Also it may be worth mentioning I'm not a last.fm premium user and the timestamps of the bulk scrobbled are very old. I paid for premium on universalscrobbler and then went through my file from Spotify and made sure the format matches the example provided. Hi, I am using universalscrobbler's bulk scrobbler feature. Wait, I'm not asking if Spotify works (it doesn't), verbatim I'm asking about L ast.fm, since you said that there are a lot of scrobbles from there I guess it works in China - unless everybody is accessing through a VPN. Relative labels will depend on how long you've had your last.fm account. You can change the axis labels from absolute to relative. A slowly revealing grid shows your top album covers and you have to guess the album and artist in time. Hey everyone! A friend and I have been working on a web game using the last.fm API called AlbumIdentify.